This page is to help our current tenants in the event of a Property Management Emergency Repair.
What is an Emergency Repair?
The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act) states that there are two types of repairs – emergency and routine repairs. Emergency repairs are defined in the Act. Any repairs that are not listed as emergency repairs in the Act are routine repairs.
Emergency repairs are:
- a burst water service or a serious water service leak
- a blocked or broken toilet
- a serious roof leak
- a gas leak
- a dangerous electrical fault
- flooding or serious flood damage
- serious storm, fire or impact damage
- a failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply
- a failure or breakdown of an essential service or appliance on the premises for hot water, cooking or heating
- a fault or damage that makes the premises unsafe or insecure (this includes smoke alarms)
- a fault or damage likely to injure a person, damage property or unduly inconvenience a tenant
- a serious fault in a staircase, lift or other common area of the premises that unduly inconveniences a tenant in gaining access to, or using, the premises
Who do I contact in the event of an Emergency Repair?
For all Property Management related emergencies please use the below trade contacts. Please only use these contacts if you have a problem that is dangerous, a threat to your health or may cause substantial property damage.
Please note, if the issue cannot be reasonably deemed as an emergency, you may be liable for the cost. If these trades are not available in the event of an emergency, you are able to contact one of your choice and be reimbursed for the emergency repair.
Handyman: JNZ Services - 0409 459 703; or Andrews Handyman Services - 0409 051 198
Electrician: Kevlar Electrical - 0438 821 911
Plumber (Inner, South & West Brisbane): Alliance Plumbing - 07 3397 2030
Plumber (Moreton Bay Region): North Lakes Plumbing - 07 3491 8489 or 0418 797 940 (after hours)
Plumber (Sunshine Coast Only): All Time Plumbing - 0451 506 331
Storm Damage: SES - 13 25 00 OR download the SES App from your Smart Phone App Store
Police, Fire, Ambulance: 000
Energex: 13 12 53
Once you have made contact with a trade for the emergency repair, please report your emergency repair via our Tenant Concierge HERE or by contacting your property manager directly.
What if my repair is not an emergency?
Any repairs that are not listed as emergency repairs in the Act are routine repairs. For all routine repairs and maintenance items, please submit the request via our Tenant Concierge HERE. The maintenance request will be reviewed by our team during our office opening hours.